About Buzzabout
The new Social Network where the Buzz is happening, with more freedom, less censorship & less costs.


  1. Helping you find or organize things near you or Online to keep you happy and buzzing about
  2. Help you find and Talk about whatever the buzz is about at the time, using groups, forums, shouts or Chat
  3. Help you create the Buzz and achieve more and more Socially and financially using our completely Free platform or using our very affordable Advertising/promotion plans that you can cancel at any time.
  4. Giving you all the tools you'll ever need that keep growing so that you can keep the Buzz going on anything dear to you, from global issues, to preserving what you don't want to lose forever.
  5. Inviting to our Network anyone that is already succeeding, influencing, entertaining, helping and already creating their own Buzz. All our members can just do that and benefit from doing it, forever, using our referral/affiliate system.
  6. Removing 20 years of limitations on Social media so you can make things happen at all levels and help our World recover and buzz again.
  7. Keeping things on the move, wherever you are, as we are also completely mobile with Android and IOS apps
  8. Removing censorship or using common sense to allow or remove sensorship, depending on local customs and religious beliefs. We want to make things good for everyone, not just one over others.
  9. Truly helping those looking for friends and their life long partner, again making things possible at no cost first with gradual possible solutions and plans for making more friends as it all begins with friendship, for it to last a lifetime.
  10. Helping everyone's promotion with Agencies helping all possible talents find more work.
  11. Giving a new platform for anyone to sell anything or advertise anything, anywhere.
  12. Keeping and using all the best that many social networks already offer and that we are all too happy to keep on using.


BuzzAbout is the end result and new Social Media platform, designed, inspired by so many years of frustation, suffering, even anger, from using today's main social media Platforms. We all thought, passed the millenium, that we could use them to make our lives so, so much better, this was the revolution of those days, and that they were designed for us. It seemed like a miracle happened then. Well not at all, they were designed to allow us to join as much as possible, interact a little, while being allowed to do as little as possible, waiting for the days, when advertising would be ready and available. From being able to do hardly anything, we could then do a little more, not too much, when we had cash to spare on "Advertising". Since, what became their success, many other major platform used the same principle so they could also make their billions. Their true slogan should be in fact: "You people, the less you're allowed to do anything & achieve, the more cash we make, by selling you the right to do anything from".

Is BUZZABOUT the cure or solution?!

BuzzAbout is like a food supplement and a cure. It's helping improve ourselves and the World we live in, by us removing all the limits that have stopped us or helped others stop us from achieving anything. Now we can all get the fruits of our efforts, in complete honnesty. This concept has been 20 years in the making.

Please see our FAQs page to read more, as all our many features have been designed to make things finally better/the way they should have been and stayed like.

Here we'll summarize by letting you know that from now whenever you invite any friends anywhere to this Network, that won't limit you or them, whatever they'll ever do and spend or their own friends you will benefit from it, for as long as BuzzAbout keeps buzzing... Our world is still run and lead by money so this is our present world, best possible answer. All functions and things you can do on other Social media platform financed by avertising have beeen instead re-designed for helping you get a better, happier life. We promise that this will never ever change. Ideally we'll create a new Currency called BUZZ based on how much good you've done and your time will create interest as our World will continue being run by money for many more years...

Millions of people have been removed, banned, limited, censored. all for Social media platforms financial gain, in conjunction with helping themselves using "Advertising", and to also avoid spending billions, might as well, in Legal costs, having to face a tsunami of Lawyers globally looking for something new to put their teeth in, sometime working for the other big Social media Networks. This platform, we won't even need to mention, that stopped us from doing as much good as possible for 20+ years, spent millions after millions in PHP developpers to just limit us more and more, in any possible ways. They also spent thousands on Contract lawyers with their T&Cs, to make their job easier which is to make profit while helping anyone stop others from doing anything they don't like by reporting them anonymously. People who report, are in part, permanently active anti-social, or unemployed/unemployable, sadistic, looking for little fame, pride individuals or they are business competitors, doing their regular sabotage, using that Social platform limitations/terms of use to their advantage, so they could enjoy their new hobby, affecting their ennemies private lives, while keeping themselves on the right side of the law & stay anonymous. This soon became a new race of individuals who created a new disease, a virus, that affected millions of people worldwide, that started 10 years before Corvid & that slown dow the World's economy...

We now know that the combination of our Justice system/its costs and the Privacy laws those social media platforms helped create, help anonymous smiling saboteurs, on our planet, stop anyone else from ever achieving, succeeding, ever being able to succeed in Life and even lead thousands to suicide, out of a mass of people who lost, friends, family, their reputation forever. Sabotage has become the easiest thing to do globally, successfully, in complete secret, thanks to what those platforms, who created the tools to do it, again only for their extra financial gain. It has now become much much easier to stop others achieve anything, than for anyone to achieve something with Social media we cannot do without. I don't think we'd like things to go worse than they are, do we!?

With BuzzAbout this has become bad old memories, that we need to change to really good new ones, together my friends, so please continue Networking the way you always wished you could here with us, invite all your friends with a referral link so you benefit from your actions, and continue reading our About page(s) to understand how to change your and other people's lives for the better.

We aren't griddy here, so as long as we break even at BuzzAbout and pay our bills for a few years, we'll be smiling all the way. Some of us are Buddhist (Nishiren Shoshu/Daishonin) and just interested in improving/fixing/repairing anything we touch.


Let's not replicate the mistakes of the past.

Here with BuzzAbout we make things the way they'll stay, which is Free forever, where you can still earn more and more £S instead of us, permanently, by doing good actions, so hopefully, we can soon build castles, fortresses, for all of us, that can resist Legal and one day natural tsunamis as our saved pennies will go towards building self-sufficient above and underground, ideal, habitable community buildings/villages... You'll then ear of the concept of the more you do good, work or help people, the better your life becomes with easy ways to upgrade by simply doing, learning, fixing, helping more... This will become the BUZZ currency but I may not be there to experience those happy days.




1) Sign Up 

  • Click on Sign Up at https://www.buzzabout.net
  • Enter your username (alpha numeric without spaces, for example: ​BuzzAbout)
  • ​Enter your email, password, gender, tick to approve our Terms of Service and click "Let’s Go".
  • On the next screen upload your avatar picture (a recent photo of yourself) for your profile and a cover image for your banner and Press "Save".
  • ​Add your other information. Press save when asked.


2) Follow pages and groups that interest you

  • After logging in at ​https://www.buzzabout.net, please click on Home
  • Click on Explore
  • Choose Pages & LIKE those you do like
  • Choose Groups and join/ask to join those you are interested about.


3) Make new Friends

  • Click on Explore
  • Send a Friend request to people you want to be friends with
  • Invite your family, friends, colleaques, your groups on other platforms and explain to them that they can also benefit by inviting theirs. This is done by using the box that says "invite friends" on your home page. You will also see a place where you can invite your Facebook friends.


4) Find new Friends

  • Use the search bar that on top of your screen on a desktop. On a phone select your account picture on the top right, then Search or scroll down and enter your friend’s name, then again click "search".
  • Share your BuzzAbout auto-Friend link, so people auto-like, auto-friend or auto-join you when they sign up with your link. This helps you build your following faster. 

Here is how to share your auto-Friend links:

A - Click your profile picture in the blue navigation bar on the top right,

B - Click General Settings,

C - Click Earnings,

D - Click My Affiliates and

E - Copy the link that you want to promote and email it to your friends, or post on websites, Facebook, Twitter…


5) Write posts to share your thoughts

  • Wen logged in at https://www.buzzabout.net, click on "Home"
  • In the box in the center that says “What’s Going On,” write your message.
  • When you wrote your post, Press "Post"


6) Growth Tip: Invite Your Friends, Groups and Followers

  • Share your BuzzAbout auto-Friend link, so people auto-like, auto-friend or auto-join you when they sign up with your link, this helps build your following fast! To share your auto-Friend linksplease read our above paragraphr about Finding new friends.

7) Update your privacy settings. 

  • ​Click on the three dots on the top right of your screen
  • In the dropdown menu choose "General Settings"
  • Select "Privacy"
  • Choose the privacy options you prefer
  • Press "save"


8) You can create a Page if you have a business or are a public figure, and you can create Groups – both public and private. For example, you can create a family, work, church or school group.

9) Update your profile and cover photo.

  • Click on the 3 dots on the top right and choose General Setting
  • Choose Avatar & Cover
  • Upload a new avatar (profile) picture
  • Upload a background cover photo (the big picture on your page)
  • Press Save

Now, share some posts, load a photo album and explore. 

10) Pro Membership – How to Boost

  • To Boost posts, first post. Then after you post there is a post dropdown menu with a “v”. Sleect this and select Boost. Do this right after posting as you get a standard 12 hours boost per post from the time it was posted.
  • As a Pro  Member you can Boost Pages which is ongoing Boost. Go to your Pages if you have any and select Boost on the cover photo to Boost your Pages.
  • Pro membership is a great value for discounted bundled boosts. To become a Pro Member, sign up here.

11) Message a Person.

  • Go to the person’s personal page
  • Select Message
  • Type your message
  • Press Enter to send Message
  • You will get a Message notification when you get a message. This is in the square box type symbol on top and it will show an increase in count.


  1. What can I do? You can use all the website (create photo albums, write posts, invite friends, create business pages, create public and private groups and more…). USA.Life is the #1 Conservative Facebook alternative. Please help get the word out to everyone who wants to be safe, strong and blessed to join USA.Life.
  2. What is the cost? Everyone gets a free account. If you want to help us fund the operations and expand, then become a pro member or donate.
  3. What can I post? You can post text, pictures, links (news stations, youtube, bitchute…), videos, audio and more.
  4. How do I share videos? Write the text for your post. Then add a space. Then paste the Rumble, Bitchute, YouTube or other video link. Press post.
  5. Is there a phone App? Most people type https://USA.Life on their phone and make a shortcut for easy connecting. USA.Life has an Android App Beta. We are making an expanded Android and iPhone App and they will be available soon. Until these are completed, most people prefer typing in https://USA.Life and using the shortcut as this is full powered with all the features. USA.Life is continually improving and growing fast.
  6. How can I help? USA.Life is the #1 Conservative Facebook alternative. We are working to be the #1 social network for the USA, because we are Pro-America. You can help by getting the word out to everyone you know, writing about USA.Life and inviting firends, churches and groups you know, and asking public figures, news stations and others to join.
  7. How do I set notifications? Select your account picture on the top right. Select General Settings. Select Notifications. Update your notification settings. Choose how often you want emails and notices.
  8. Is there an update to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy? The Code of Coduct, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and other documents have been updated.​
  9. ​How do I donate? To help add new capabilities, build the phone app, make a more family safe website and add customer support staff, you can send a donation payable to USA.Life. Mail to: ATTN: Steven Andrew, USA.Life, 2059 Camden Ave. #280, San Jose, CA 95124. Thanks. Social media on the Internet is now saved. No more censoring American, Christian and Conservative beliefs. Without USA.Life, freedom and privacy could have been lost forever, but now we have the solution!